Ancient Rome Hadrian and Aeternitas Dupondius (WRL reproduction) (Counterfeit) 117AD to 138AD

Ancient Rome Hadrian and Aeternitas Dupondius (WRL reproduction) (Counterfeit) 117AD to 138AD

Calum -- The SC on your coin stands for Senatus Consulto, the respected authorization of the Senate of ancient Rome. In all probability you have a coin of Hadrianus, Roman Emperor from 117 to 138AD, with Aeternitas, Roman goddess of eternity on the reverse side.

The coin in our picture comes from Lanz Auctions where it sold for about $160 US dollars back in 2003. The value would be about twice that today.

As it stands, however, Calum has a reproduction of the Hadrian dupondius. The WRL initials are the give-away. The letters stand for Westair Reproductions Limited. This is not a clandestine manufacturer of counterfeits; it is a leading producer of high-quality reproductions sold at museums, castle gift shops, etc.

A nice replica coin like this might sell for one US dollar to the right buyer. Keep in mind that it is only a novelty piece, produced in modern times.

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Ancient Rome Hadrian and Aeternitas Dupondius (WRL reproduction) (Counterfeit) 117AD to 138AD
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Coin: 14836, Genre: Ancient, Timeline: Ancient
Created (yyyymm): 201306, Last review: 201505
Appearance: Normal round coin Metallic brown Metallic gray Letters: Latin
Years: sort: 117, filter: 117 to 138
Image: ancient_hadrian_aeternitas.jpg

Tags: encircled tiera headed hat marc scripts curvy male aeternitatis letter circal female bearded fake sammelmarke round swirls woman rings monograms wiskers marke whisker forges curves man hairline scribble helmets reichsmark marck tiarra rounds women ladies forge headband isn lettering fez fem hooded initials tiara goty romanorum sideburns mustache forgery circling curl ladys crown hadrianvs encircles bonnet beard circel encircle swirl sideburn females ringed twirly reicshmark circumference bowed encircling curly womens beareded helmet dupondius ring crowning curlicues fakes lady kohlenmarke replicas curved forger roma counterfeit caligraphy markas hand inscription hood romen bride mans circles moustache loop repro circumscribed heads swirly curving crowns circumscibed headdress circuit shaking oneheaded hadrians deuchmark womans replica mushtash crowned monogram squiggley rome sammel circlet curve head circle curlycue roman mens beared squiggles helmit counterfiet initals letters counterfet sqiggles hadrian dreimark reproduction handshake caps romana loops mark swoosh dutchemark cap curls aeternitas femal feminine one circular incircled marks squigle hair romanorvm ones squiggly tee scrip inscriptions reichmark deutschemark circled neck hands helmeted counterfeits scribbles satzmarke goatee hairdo turban wrl gotee lettered princess script ancient whiskers aeterna squiggle calligraphy reproductions initial

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