Great Britain Sovereign 1887 to 1893

Great Britain Sovereign 1887 to 1893

Great coin, RD. Be sure to handle it by the edges only. No fingerprints allowed!

You have a gold sovereign 1892 with Saint George the dragon slayer on the reverse. There are also half sovereigns that have a different reverse. Your coin is 'worth its weight in gold.'

Gold sovereigns contain 0.2354 troy ounces of gold. At the time of this writing, current gold value is about $1000 US dollars per ounce, so your coin is worth 0.2354 times $1000, or $235. The value of gold varies daily, so be sure to look it up on web sites such as Collectors often pay more than gold value for coins like this, say $100 or so more, but only for coins that are in excellent condition like the ones in the picture.

CoinQuest thanks Chard in Lancashire, UK for use of their coin photo. If you are interested in coins like this, check out Chard's taxfreegold site. It is loaded with information about these beautiful coins.

When selling your gold sovereigns, expect to get offers from dealers at levels well below the gold value. The resulting mark-up is required to keep the dealership solvent.

Coin: 1484, Genre: Colonizers and Colonies, Timeline: World
Created (yyyymm): 200909, Last review: 201601
Appearance: Normal round coin Metallic yellow Letters: Latin
Years: sort: 1887, filter: 1887 to 1893
Image: great_britain_sovereign_1891.jpg

Tags: sovgn rider britt scripts prance queen georg equestres letter geroges brit queens georgiv english monograms galloping victoriya british britan equestrian sovereign geogius britian monogram sov horse geogivs ride mountie dragons giorgi britain brittish georgious viktoria lettering initals georgvs initials letters victoria vicoria georgian soverein georgeivs prancing georgevs horses stallion mounted mount georgivis horseman dragonslayer georgium georgius horsehead soverigns victotia georgivs riding england pony slayer victoriad reins reg brittain scrip inscriptions dragon rein horseback brittan georgvis lettered great geor script sovereigns caligraphy victor calligraphy inscription initial george

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