Great Britain Victoria Sovereign (Counterfeit) 1879 to 1905

Great Britain Victoria Sovereign (Counterfeit) 1879 to 1905

Queen Victoria ruled Great Britain for a long, long time. She died in 1901 after an amazing reign of 64 years. A coin bearing her image dated 1905 is an obvious fake. There are other not-so-obvious fakes dated 1879. Taxfreegold had a terrific page on these fakes at this link (click here). There is another similar coin discussed at Predecimal.

So these coins are counterfeit. In the US it is illegal to own counterfeit coins, although a coin like this is an obvious fake and someone might claim it is simply a nice-looking novelty item. But these coins apparently have some gold content and therefore carry high value.

If I were you, Daniel, I'd quietly get a gold weight and purity estimate (perhaps from a jeweler) and then stash your treasure away as a conversation piece.

Our thanks, too, to Baldwin's Auctions in London whose coin picture we butchered to get our point across. The Baldwin coin is actually an 1880 extremely rare milled edge proof sovereign which sold at auction for 10000 GBP, about $15000 US dollars. Nice!

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Great Britain Victoria Sovereign (Counterfeit) 1879 to 1905
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Coin: 14886, Genre: Colonizers and Colonies, Timeline: World
Created (yyyymm): 201306, Last review: 201505
Appearance: Normal round coin Metallic yellow Letters: Latin
Years: sort: 1879, filter: 1879 to 1905
Image: great_britain_victoria_1905.jpg

Tags: sovgn headed scripts broadsword georg letter sworeds fake saber galloping monograms british forges sovereign geogivs britanniar sword brittish forge lettering britainniar initials victoria vicoria georgeivs forgery stallion mounted georgivis horseman georgius soverigns victotia riding georgivs england victoriad reins reg brittain rein brittan fakes replicas forger geor counterfeit caligraphy victor inscription george rider repro britt heads prance equestres brit geroges oneheaded english georgiv victoriya britan replica swords equestrian geogius britian monogram sov horse ride mountie head dragons giorgi britain georgious viktoria counterfiet initals georgvs letters counterfet georgian soverein reproduction prancing georgevs horses mount dragonslayer horsehead georgium pony slayer scrip inscriptions dragon counterfeits horseback saint georgvis lettered swordlike great script santa sovereigns calligraphy reproductions initial

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