Canada Olympic 5 and 10 Dollars (Silver) 1973 to 1976

Canada Olympic 5 and 10 Dollars (Silver) 1973 to 1976

The Canadian mint made spiffy large silver coins with Olympic themes between 1973 and 1976. These coins do not circulate, but are made especially for collectors. They contain silver, and that makes them valuable. Their value is equal to the amount of silver they contain multiplied by the current value of silver.

Don't be fooled. These coins are worth their weight in silver, nothing more.

Here is a list of silver content for these coins.

- 5 DOLLARS 1973 TO 1976: 0.7226 troy ounces silver
- 10 DOLLARS 1973 TO 1976: 1.445 troy ounces silver

Once you know the silver content, go to a web site such as and look up the current price of silver. Multiply the content by the price to compute the value of the coin.

For instance, if you have a 1975 5 dollars, it contains 0.7226 troy ounces of silver. Today's silver price is $20 US dollars per troy ounce (look it up, it changes every day). So the 1975 coin is worth 0.7226 x 20 = $14.45 US dollars.

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Canada Olympic 5 and 10 Dollars (Silver) 1973 to 1976
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Coin: 14924, Genre: Colonizers and Colonies, Timeline: Modern
Created (yyyymm): 201306, Last review: 201506
Appearance: Normal round coin Metallic gray Letters: Latin
Years: sort: 1973, filter: 1973 to 1976
Image: canada_commem_5_10_dollars.jpg

Tags: escutcheon fern encircled shiled scripts symbol letter circal xxi indian rings monograms symbal crests liafy 5th symbels sliver leaves lizabeth leaf crest insignia runner chevrons lettering elizebeth 2nd initials stylized olympiad circling olimpiada arm encircles olympic leave circel encircle shields doller siver leaved leafs style running feinsilber ringed silver circumference encircling olympics simbol coats ring olympique elizibeth leafe elisabeth olympiade caligraphy olympische leafy runs symbols inscription canadienne 10th circles loop circumscribed canada silber circumscibed maple elizabet circuit chevron bough coat silverish leafed symbles elizabeth logo monogram leavs foliage canadian dollare arms circlet elisabet circle ferns elizabith creast run initals montreal letters sheild argent boughs loops dollars canad canadaian dollar simble circular incircled ivy crested olympia dol scrip inscriptions circled greenery indians lettered bush shield silb escucheon dolls script candian shild calligraphy silba initial

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