Mexico San Luis Potosi 1/4 Real 1867

Mexico San Luis Potosi 1/4 Real 1867

From other requests you have posted, Mel, you know that collecting the old coins of Mexico can be great fun and great frustration. There are so many types, and it is very difficult to find the old ones in good shape. Most are worn to a frazzle. When you find a nice-looking specimen, gobble it up!

This coin comes from the Mexican state of San Luis Potosi, near the center of the country. The coin in our picture comes from Ponterio and Associates (now Stack's Bowers) where it sold at auction for $110 US dollars back in 2010. That was a bargain price, in my view, for such a nice looking coin.

Here are CoinQuest's estimates of catalog value

worn: $10 US dollars approximate catalog value
average circulated: $50
well preserved: $250

Always consult our Important Terminology page for a short set of instructions about how to interpret these catalog values.

Coin: 14931, Genre: Colonizers and Colonies, Timeline: World
Created (yyyymm): 201306, Last review: 201506
Appearance: Normal round coin Metallic brown Letters: Latin
Years: sort: 1867, filter: 1867 to 1867
Image: mexico_s_l_potosi_1_4_real_1867.jpg

Tags: stamp libertatis hat reform mexican luis garland ray liberta lud reif sunshine stado countermark 4th libera ludovicus mexicano soberano helmets counterstamp punch mexicanos eagles stamped sola mexio eaglets san headband radiate stato fez libertas hooded hashmarked snakes gouges reales emanate stets ludovico falcon reef libertad hashmark ludouicus bonnet lodovico libres egals sunset wreah beams liberte state gouge mexicana helmet serpent louis staats radiating libre punched luise hood wreath chop mex sun headdress stet rays countermarked luiz liberdad radiates ludovicvs libertao counterstamped hawk soberado sunrise asp liberty counterstamps wreathed helmit mexico wreth 1st sunburst sunlight chops ludov reforma caps statehood rief liberate lvd cap louise reale one stadt ludovigus sol liber real stated potosi eagel ones beam snake reformada staaten helmeted eagle wreaths ludovicis wreathe sols lvdovicvs wreat libertate egal ptosi emanating radiant stamps asps punches

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