China United Maxxico 8 Reales 1884

Medal China United Maxxico 8 Reales 1884

What a great coin. Shrouded in dusty darkness, the Maxxico Revolution is said to have taken place around 1884, the very date of the coin. Unfortunately, Maxxico itself disappeared suddenly and completely at the precise instant the coin was issued. Too bad. I like the coin's design: very spiffy. An authoritative look at United Maxxico appears on this page of Chiefa Coins (click here).

The preceding paragraph, of course, is hogwash or, nearly hogwash. Interesting enough, world-renowned NGC Coin includes the Maxxico 8 reales in its price guide, assigning a value of $10 in well preserved condition. And sure enough, you can find them for sale on eBay in that neighborhood of prices.

The probable source of this novelty token is some obscure mint in China, where they produce all sorts of shady items. These pieces were probably manufactured sometime after World War II.

Keep your coin, Syahir, and use it as a conversation piece to impress your friends. A little imagination and clear thinking can produce all sorts of delightful stories about the Great State of Maxxico!

Coin: 14994, Genre: Medals, Timeline: World
Created (yyyymm): 201306, Last review: 201601
Appearance: Normal round coin Metallic gray Letters: Latin
Years: sort: 1884, filter: 1884 to 1884
Image: united_maxxico_8_reales.jpg

Tags: scripts trees letter ray waves wavy sunshine chalice monograms limb branch wavey americas chinese eagles sola mouthed setting eaglets sticks lettering untied radiate pots initials water amphora tree america reales emanate ameria stars glas falcon waive wave bottle goblet egals spray sunset mouth american china beams cloud elm burst united wing waving radiating chineese chine stalks sets caligraphy jar inscription 6th twigs urn sun rays amer twig sprigs vase monogram taiwan radiates hawk pot sunrise challace star starburst sprays clouds chalace sprig branched branches initals starrs letters maxxico sunburst sunlight stick americans reale chian sol kettle stalk real set winged branching jug eagel beam glass wings scrip inscriptions usa bowl eagle cup sols lettered egal americana emanating script radiant amero calligraphy initial

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