Malaysia Straits Settlement 1 Dollar 1903 to 1926

Malaysia Straits Settlement 1 Dollar 1903 to 1926

Straits Settlements was a British crown colony on the Malay Peninsula of Asia. It was formed in 1828 by combining Singapore, Penang, and Malacca. These big and bold one dollar coins were issued in silver as follows:

1903 to 1904 (King Edward VII): 0.780 troy ounces silver
1907 to 1909 (King Edward VII): 0.585 ounces silver
1919 to 1926 (King George V): 0.271 ounces

These coins are never worth less than their silver content (look up the price of silver at but they generally carry additional collector premium due to collector demand. Typically:

1903 to 1904:
worn: $35 US dollars approximate catalog value
average circulated: $75
well preserved: $150
fully uncirculated: $300

1907 to 1909:
worn: $15 US dollars approximate catalog value
average circulated: $30
well preserved: $70
fully uncirculated: $150

worn: $70 US dollars approximate catalog value
average circulated: $140
well preserved: $300
fully uncirculated: $500

worn: $30 US dollars approximate catalog value
average circulated: $60
well preserved: $140
fully uncirculated: $250

After 1920:
these are very rare; the catalogs do not publish prices

Use our Important Terminology page to properly interpret these catalog values.

Coin: 15028, Genre: Islamic Hindu Buddhist, Timeline: World
Created (yyyymm): 201306, Last review: 201506
Appearance: Normal round coin Metallic gray Letters: Latin Chinese style Flowing style
Years: sort: 1903, filter: 1903 to 1926
Image: malaysia_straits_settlement_1_dollar_1907.jpg

Tags: stemming encircled tiera bloomed scripts scrolwork letter circal stem leis lilly rings monograms emperer malaysian fleur flour imperator twice chinese emperado malaya imperatore tiarra blossom emperador lis logograms flur logogram emporer lettering bouquet petels filigree initials tiara straits emperor aribic circling flowers petal orchid edouard crown arabia encircles petals scroll circel encircle doller ringed circumference china encircling scrollwork fler kings flower malay character ring crowning settlements king chineese chine trefoil empress caligraphy inscription imper two circles characters loop vii edwardus circumscribed crowns circumscibed emperio circuit scrolls strait emperator lises settlement arab lily crowned monogram taiwan bud scolled dollare circlet circle pedals trefoils lilys emperur arabian malaysia emp initals letters empereur floer fluer 1st arabic fleures impc lei loops floral dollars impz dollar one dogwood chian imperaior edwards circular incircled edward emperuer lisse scrolled ones edwardvs stems dol imperat scrip inscriptions circled imp arabesque empreradur flowery eduardus lettered fleurs dolls script orcid calligraphy initial

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