Austria 30 Kreuzer (with diamond) 1742 to 1773

Austria 30 Kreuzer (with diamond) 1742 to 1773

The diamond on the front and back of these grand old 30 kreuzer coins make them different than most Austrian coins of the period. The diamond appears only on the 30 kreuzers of Maria Theresa, Joseph II, and Franz I. The Byzantine double-headed eagle appears on all these coins.

The coin in our picture comes from Beast Coins in New Berlin, Wisconsin USA, and CoinQuest thanks them for use of their great coin photo.

The listings below give approximate catalog values.

worn: $10 US dollars approximate catalog value
average circulated: $60
well preserved: $130

worn: $20 US dollars approximate catalog value
average circulated: $80
well preserved: $140
Franz 30 kreuzers dated 1753 are more common and are worth about one-half these values

worn: $15 US dollars approximate catalog value
average circulated: $65
well preserved: $100
Joseph 30 kreuzers dated 1768 are more rare and are worth about twice these values

Please apply the concepts presented on our Important Terminology page to convert these catalog values to actual buy and sell values.

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Austria 30 Kreuzer (with diamond) 1742 to 1773
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Coin: 15092, Genre: Central Europe North South, Timeline: World
Created (yyyymm): 201307, Last review: 201506
Appearance: Normal round coin Metallic gray Letters: Latin
Years: sort: 1742, filter: 1742 to 1773
Image: austria_30_kreuzer_1752.jpg

Tags: escutcheon headed shiled josef scripts letter ducation oesterreich monograms crests avstri stand eagles crest eaglets insignia diamond austriae framing chevrons lettering aust initials day franks arm doubling shields egals stands josefa days jozsef krevz austro joseph coats avst aus domine ducato ioseph speravi caligraphy inscription dukat heads avstr chevron oneheaded frank coat austrie avstriae diamonds iosephvs austrian logo ier monogram arms head joe framed austr standing creast free ducat initals letters austria virtute sheild exemplo bust fancs francs ducaton double dvcat denomination doubled franc austriacum kreutzer dominid frame crested kreuzers eagel kreuzer scrip inscriptions doubles eagle success kreutz kreuz lettered egal shield escucheon oesterreichische domini script dvcatvs jose ios shild denominations calligraphy initial

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