Albania 1 Lek 1926 to 1931

Albania 1 Lek 1926 to 1931

That's a neat coin, isn't it, Kristi? The horseman looks like he means business.

These coins are made of nickel and get valuable only in fully uncirculated condition. Here are some typical catalog values:

worn: $2 US dollars approximate catalog value
average circulated: $4
well preserved: $8
fully uncirculated: $25

The 1927 date has the smallest mintage, so it might command slightly higher prices than the other dates, perhaps up to $40 fully unc.

The 1931 proof issues catalog at $230 when they are 'unimpaired', that is, they have never touched other coins, and have no ugly marks from fingerprints on the surfaces.

Use our Important Terminology page to understand how catalog values work.

Visitor FifthWatch asks us how many different dates and mint marks one would need to collect in order to have full set of these issues. These 1 lek coins were struck at foreign mints for use in Albania. The 1926R and 1927R coins were struck in Rome, Italy. The 1930V coins were struck in Vienna, Austria. The 1931L coins were struck in London, UK. The London issues were also struck in 'proof', that is, specially selected coins that are put into special packaging immediately after production, and thus never enter circulation. A full set of these coins would thus comprise 1926R, 1927R, 1930V, 1931L, and the 1931L proof issue, depending on how you choose to define a full set.

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Albania 1 Lek 1926 to 1931
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Coin: 15115, Genre: Orthodox and Slavic, Timeline: World
Created (yyyymm): 201307, Last review: 201500
Appearance: Normal round coin Metallic gray Letters: Latin
Years: sort: 1926, filter: 1926 to 1931
Image: albania_1_lek_1926.jpg

Tags: headed broadsword sworeds saber galloping motti sword romagnoli stallion mounted horseman riding reins rein romagnol cape warrior shqipni rider lek heads prance equestres oneheaded swords equestrian horse ride mountie head albanian albania 1st prancing horses mount one warrier horsehead inc pony ones neck horseback swordlike

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