Poland Groschen 1603 to 1627

Poland Groschen 1603 to 1627

Zygmunt (Sigismund) III ruled Poland between 1587 and 1632. Most of his coins bore his image, but this one shows only his crown. The imperial eagle appears on the back.

Here are some catalog prices for all dates of these coins, except as noted:

worn: $12 US dollars approximate catalog value
average circulated: $70
well preserved: $200

Groschens with dates 1601, 1603 and 1608 are more rare and catalog for $350 in average circulated condition. If you find a coin with no date, it is also somewhat rare, cataloging near $150 in average circulated.

The coin in our picture comes from Beast Coins, and CoinQuest thanks them for use of their coin image.

Be sure to check our Important Terminology page to understand how catalog values work.

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Poland Groschen 1603 to 1627
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Coin: 15198, Genre: Central Europe North South, Timeline: World
Created (yyyymm): 201307, Last review: 201507
Appearance: Normal round coin Metallic gray Letters: Latin
Years: sort: 1603, filter: 1603 to 1627
Image: poland_groschen_1611.jpg

Tags: escutcheon stemming encircled tiera bloomed headed shiled ilika grossen circal stem leis lilly rings crests fleur groscher iii 5th flour polskie outteredge eagles crest poland tiarra blossom lis eaglets rim flur insignia centered chevrons bouquet petels tiara sig iiika grosch polo circling flowers petal orchid ropes arm crown falcon gros lashing edging encircles petals certer circel encircle shields edged egals edges ringed reg centers grattia circumference encircling fler gross grosse flower coats centre ring crowning polushka groshen trefoil circles loop circumscribed heads rope crowns circumscibed circuit chevron oneheaded coat lises logo lily crowned polskich polski bud off hawk arms groschen circlet head circle pedals trefoils noay lilys liika offcenter gratia creast floer fluer sheild poltina fleures rexpol lei loops floral dogwood circular incircled crested eagel lisse stems grosche iioay polish circled eagle polska phoenix flowery egal shield center escucheon fleurs edge offset orcid shild

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