Canada John MacDonald and First Confederation Conference 1864

Medal Canada John MacDonald and First Confederation Conference 1864

The Canadian Confederation was finalized in 1867 and meetings were held on Price Edward Island and in Quebec. Sir John Alexander MacDonald was the first Prime Minister of Canada.

This medal is a modern commemorative of those events. They sell for $10 to $30 US dollars. As always in coin collecting, condition means everything, and worn specimens are worth lower amounts and uncirculated specimens higher amounts.

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Canada John MacDonald and First Confederation Conference 1864
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Coin: 15431, Genre: Medals, Timeline: World
Created (yyyymm): 201308, Last review: 201508
Appearance: Normal round coin Metallic brown Letters: Latin
Years: sort: 1864, filter: 1864 to 1864
Image: medal_john_macdonald_1864.jpg

Tags: lohan headed dwelling provedendo province septembre fort charlottetown setyembre strength prince providendo charlottesville confoederato ioh alexandroy iceland courthouse primo johan jean centered providencia 2nd charlotte sept lunion architectural ioannes edouard skyline certer fraser premio confederato cabin centers skyscraper town iov iohannes centre john juan dunion hut iohann iohn ion canadienne confederatio minister confederacion edwardus prime heads ionan canada joannes primvs oneheaded premiere barn forces conference princes alexandros off canadian provincial providentia battlements iohan ioha head macdonald building johann offcenter alexander casa johannes city prov joanes joao residence 1st canad canadaian islands premier union edwards edward confoedertio architecture ioan buildings home house edwardvs workhouse confederation island alexandrine neck houses buildin confedertio eduardus juana september center offset candian force fait structure joan cities

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