Canada Joseph Howe Commemorative Trade 1977 to 1979

Token Canada Joseph Howe Commemorative Trade 1977 to 1979

While big, beautiful and with a bold design, these medals are modern, common and low-value. There are a few different designs, such as a sailing ship, a sailor in a ship's rigging, or a thistle with the words 'NOVA SCOTIA' below.

Most issues are in non-precious metal, presumably copper-nickel, and these sell for around $3 to $5 US dollars to collectors when they are in pristine condition.

Some issues were in silver, and feature an older fisherman in front of the sea looking to the right, with a ship on the horizon. These bear the text HALIFAX-DARTMOUTH, N.S.' and are worth their weight in silver, plus a small collectible premium. A collector will pay around $25 for such a silver medal.

All issues have Joseph Howe's name and likeness on one side.

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Canada Joseph Howe Commemorative Trade 1977 to 1979
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Coin: 15491, Genre: Tokens, Timeline: Modern
Created (yyyymm): 201308, Last review: 201508
Appearance: Normal round coin Metallic gray Letters: Latin
Years: sort: 1977, filter: 1977 to 1979
Image: canada_joseph_howe_medal.jpg

Tags: commemorative fern sailor josef garland reif liafy part leaves halifax leaf festival fisherman boats comemorate flagship reef leave doller leaved leafs outriggers wreah josefa commemoratives jozsef fishing joseph sailingship fisheries leafe sail ioseph oceanie leafy canadienne fishery wreath canada galley ship commemorates cutter bough sailboat leafed howe iosephvs festuval commemorating leavs clipper foliage canadian dollare commemorate masted joe scotia wreathed thistile ferns warship commemerate commemerative boat wreth dartmouth oceanic boughs dollars canad rief steamboat canadaian commemoration dollar lake fisher trading ships ivy thistle saling sea sails commerative vessel dol ocean oceania greenery wreaths outrigger wreathe wreat bush dolls candian trade jose sailing ios parts

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