Austria (Salzburg) 1/6, 1/4, 1/2, and 1 Thaler 1623 to 1653

Austria (Salzburg) 1/6, 1/4, 1/2, and 1 Thaler 1623 to 1653

These hefty old silver coins are extremely collectible in any condition. 'Collectible' here surely applies both to their artistic value, since these 'thalers' truly were masterpieces of renaissance coinage, and to their catalog value, which stays relevant for any condition of the coin.

1/6 THALER (1627 to 1648): 24 mm diameter
1/4 THALER (1625 to 1652): 28 mm
1/2 THALER (1624 to 1627): 33 mm
1 THALER (1623 to 1653): 39 mm

The obverse, or front of the coin, shows Madonna over the Salzburg coat of arms, while the reverse shows Saint Rupert of Salzburg. He was not the ruling bishop at the time, but founded the city of Salzburg around the year 700 AD, and he naturally became am important folk idol among the people of Salzburg.

Values stay even for all dates, as outlined below:

worn: $60 US dollars approximate catalog value
average circulated: $200
well preserved: $500

worn: $100 US dollars approximate catalog value
average circulated: $400
well preserved: $700

worn: $300 US dollars approximate catalog value
average circulated: $1200
well preserved: $2000

worn: $40 US dollars approximate catalog value
average circulated: $200
well preserved: $400


Coins that are holed, have been cleaned, are bent, or have other serious issues will be worth much less than the values quoted above, which are catalog values - refer to our 'Important Terminology' page found at the top left in order to properly interpret these values.

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Austria (Salzburg) 1/6, 1/4, 1/2, and 1 Thaler 1623 to 1653
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Coin: 15619, Genre: Central Europe North South, Timeline: World
Created (yyyymm): 201309, Last review: 201508
Appearance: Normal round coin Metallic gray Letters: Latin
Years: sort: 1623, filter: 1623 to 1653
Image: austrian_states_salzburg_thaler_1630.jpg

Tags: escutcheon arch baby encircled madonna drape shiled scrolwork sedivm rvpertvs circal peoples erzbistum girl oesterreich rings 4th limb crests branch avstri maddona twice crest drapery insignia austriae sanctvs sticks chevrons aust 2nd filigree halos thalel orb eps salzburg sancta draped globe haloed septer cruciform children salisb circling boy arm globes people encircles crossing scroll circel sphere encircle shields salisbvrg spray rods curtains child scepter ringed bishopric circumference mary encircling austro scrollwork spheres sanctus drapes coats saltzburg avst ring aus globus childs salisburgens archbishopric boys stalks girls thalers bishop sancto sceptrum sanctuaire 6th esp peple curtain two circles twigs loop circumscribed sancte rod talar avstr circumscibed maltese sceptor circuit chevron scrolls sceptre twig sprigs coat austrie avstriae crosses austrian logo septor balls scolled arms drapped circlet staffs circle sprays sangt austr creast sprig branched person branches austria talara crossed maddonna thaler 1st sheild sanct stick loops ball maltise halo austriacum salburg circular criss incircled crested archi stalk branching kid salisburg staff scrolled arches cross circled vereinsthaler earth arched paris persons hemisphere shield escucheon oesterreichische archim shild joachimstaler taler arche

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