Egypt 2, 5, 10, and 20 Piastres 1923 to 1933

Egypt 2, 5, 10, and 20 Piastres 1923 to 1933

These are beautiful silver coins from the reign of King Fuad I of Egypt dated between AH1341 to AH1355 (1922AD to 1936AD). The AH, or Hijri calendar is used in the Islamic world and is based on lunar years and the life of Mohammed who lived around 600AD. A good place to convert from Hijri to Gregorian (Western) dates is

The king's picture appears on these coins, sometimes facing left, sometimes facing right, and they were also minted in gold for higher denominations such as 50, 100, and 500 piastres. Copper coins, using the milliemes denomination, also look similar. This page applies to silver coins only.

The coin in our picture has great eye appeal. Although it is circulated, the effects of circulation have caused the patterns and inscriptions to stand out, giving a pleasant appearance. Collectors pay extra for coins with good eye appeal.

Our listings call out values for all dates, except as noted.

2 PIASTRES (18 mm diameter, 0.075 troy ounces silver)
worn: $2 US dollars approximate catalog value
average circulated: $5
well preserved: $10
fully uncirculated: $22

5 PIASTRES (25 mm diameter, 0.188 troy ounces silver)
worn: $5 US dollars approximate catalog value
average circulated: $10
well preserved: $30
fully uncirculated: $50

10 PIASTRES (30 mm diameter, 0.375 troy ounces silver)
worn: $6 US dollars approximate catalog value
average circulated: $22
well preserved: $60
fully uncirculated: $100

20 PIASTRES (38 mm diameter, 0.750 troy ounces silver)
worn: $20 US dollars approximate catalog value
average circulated: $70
well preserved: $160
fully uncirculated: $400

These are catalog values and must be adjusted to compute actual buy and sell values. Use the Terminology page to understand how catalog values work.

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Egypt 2, 5, 10, and 20 Piastres 1923 to 1933
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Coin: 15625, Genre: Islamic Hindu Buddhist, Timeline: World
Created (yyyymm): 201309, Last review: 201508
Appearance: Normal round coin Metallic gray Letters: Flowing style
Years: sort: 1923, filter: 1923 to 1933
Image: egypt_20_piastres_1933.jpg

Tags: encircled regina hat circal rings 5th helmets reginaf egyptian headband fez 2nd hooded circling encircles bonnet circel encircle reginam ringed circumference garisha encircling kings piastre helmet ring egypt regini piastries fouad king 10th hood circles loop circumscribed fuad circumscibed headdress circuit circlet circle helmit kingdom caps loops piastres cap regal circular incircled 20th kingdoms circled helmeted egyption piasters

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