Poland 5, 10, 20, and 50 Groszy and 1 Zloty 1957 to 1990

Poland 5, 10, 20, and 50 Groszy and 1 Zloty 1957 to 1990

These are standard circulating coins from the Peoples Republic of Poland. They are minted in aluminum and are, for the most part, worth well less than $1 US dollar each. There are a few exceptions, noted below. Unless your coin is in the list below, it is a coin with very low collector value.

Catalog prices listed below are for well preserved coins. Coin is worse condition will be worth much less.

1965, 1967, and 1968: $4 US dollars approximate catalog value

1961: $5 US dollars approximate catalog value
1962: $10

1957: $30 US dollars approximate catalog value
1961: $8
1962: $10

1957: $4 US dollars approximate catalog value
1965: $3
1967 and 1968: $8

1 ZLOTY (Zt)
1957: $7 US dollars approximate catalog value
1966: $4
1967 and 1968: $12
1969: $6

To compute actual buy and sell values from these catalog values, refer to our Terminology page.

Coin: 15894, Genre: Central Europe North South, Timeline: Modern
Created (yyyymm): 201310, Last review: 201509
Appearance: Normal round coin Metallic gray Letters: Latin
Years: sort: 1957, filter: 1957 to 1990
Image: poland_50_groszy_1978.jpg

Tags: fern grosz ilika garland reif liafy 5th ludowa leaves polskie leaf eagles poland groszherzog eaglets iiika reef leave egals zloti leaved leafs wreah groszy grossherzog groszherzogin polushka leafe leafy zlote 10th wreath zlotych bough 50th leafed polskich grosherzog polski leavs foliage zloty wreathed noay liika ferns wreth grosze 1st poltina boughs rief ivy 20th eagel iioay polish greenery eagle wreaths polska wreathe rzeczpospolita wreat egal bush rzeczpolita

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