Syria 1 Lira 1950

Syria 1 Lira 1950

This may be your coin, Philip. The eagle (actually an Islamic falcon) with a crest of three stars pretty much indicates Syria. The reverse of our coin, the silver 1 lira, has crossed branches on the reverse side.

The date is 1369AH, or 1950AD. Muslim dates are called Hijri dates and start around the time Mohammed was alive (600 AD) and use a lunar year with 354 days, so converting between AH (Hijri) dates and AD dates takes a little work. Use to convert between Muslim and Gregorian dates. Use the table below to read the eastern Arabic numerals.

These coins contain 0.216 troy ounces of silver, and that forms the base value for the coin. There is numismatic (coin collector) value over and above base value for nice looking specimens, with catalogs reporting as follows:

worn: $10 US dollars approximate catalog value
average circulated: $12
well preserved: $20
fully uncircuated: $40

Use our Important Terminology page to understand how catalog values work.

Coin: 16026, Genre: Islamic Hindu Buddhist, Timeline: Modern
Created (yyyymm): 201310, Last review: 201510
Appearance: Normal round coin Metallic gray Letters: Flowing style
Years: sort: 1950, filter: 1950 to 1950
Image: syria_1_lira_1950.jpg

Tags: escutcheon lire shiled trees limb crests branch secvnd crecesnt rectangle eagles crest secvndae eaglets insignia sticks chevrons crescent cruciform tree aribic stars arm second falcon arabia crossing shields egals spray squares coats elm burst boxes lyre syrie squarish stalks twigs maltese rectangular chevron box twig sprigs squared coat crosses boxed rectangles arab logo square hawk arms star cresent starburst sprays arabian creast sprig branched branches syrian starrs crossed 1st arabic sheild stick maltise criss crested stalk branching eagel cross 3rd eagle arabesque syria egal shield lira escucheon shild

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