India (British) 8 Annas (Fakes are possible) 1919 and 1920

India (British) 8 Annas (Fakes are possible) 1919 and 1920

Hello Sunilkumar -- I'm here with my trusty Standard Catalog and looking up your coin. The catalog shows good value, but nothing spectacular. This coin is made of copper-nickel and was issued only in 1919 and 1920.

To be sure the catalog values reflect reality, I then look at auction prices for these coins. THERE IS A BIG DIFFERENCE, especially in coins that are in good condition. The auction results are far higher than the catalog values. This happens sometimes, but not often.

The coin in our picture comes from the major auction house Baldwin's in London. The coin is in very good condition and it sold for 300 British pounds (about $490 US dollars) in a 2013 auction. CoinQuest in grateful to Baldwin's for use of their coin image.

Based on both the catalog values and auction results, we estimate the following values for these coins:

worn: $10 US dollars approximate catalog value
average circulated: $100
well preserved: $350
fully uncirculated: $600
coins dated 1920 are somewhat more rare; multiply these values by 1.3

Since this is a valuable coins, counterfeits exist. The side-by-side comparison below shows obvious differences between genuine and counterfeit. Sometimes counterfeit coins are not so easily detected.

The catalogs show that there are some subtle variations in a few of these coins, which may have an effect on value. If you have a nice-looking example of this coin, with no problems such as scratches, stains, cleanings, nicks, gouges, and the like, take your coin to a knowledgeable collector or a professional coin dealer for an in-person appraisal.

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India (British) 8 Annas (Fakes are possible) 1919 and 1920
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Coin: 16034, Genre: Islamic Hindu Buddhist, Timeline: World
Created (yyyymm): 201310, Last review: 201510
Appearance: Normal round coin Metallic gray Letters: Latin Flowing style
Years: sort: 1919, filter: 1919 to 1920
Image: india_8_annas_1919.jpg

Tags: georg waves wavy fake british ind forges wavey rectangle geogivs inde brittish forge georgeivs india forgery georgivis waive wave georgius georgivs england anna squares brittain kings brittan boxes fakes waving squarish king replicas forger geor counterfeit george repro annas britt rectangular brit geroges box english georgiv squared britan replica boxed rectangles geogius britian square giorgi britain georgious counterfiet georgvs counterfet georgian reproduction georgevs georgium counterfeits georgvis reproductions

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