Austria (Linz) Shooting 1886

Medal Austria (Linz) Shooting 1886

Jubliaums means Festival and Schiessens means Shoot. This is a medal from a shooting festival in Linz, Austria during 1886. That's mayor of Linz John Wimhoelzel on the front.

These medals come in bronze and silver. (Maybe in gold, but I have not seen one.) Typical values run like this:

worn: $10 US dollars approximate catalog value
average circulated: $30
well preserved: $100
fully uncirculated: $150

worn: $30 US dollars approximate catalog value
average circulated: $70
well preserved: $180
fully uncirculated: $250

These values apply only to medals without problems such as scratches, stains, spots, cleanings, nicks, or gouges. Use our Important Terminology page to convert catalog values to actual buy and sell values.

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Austria (Linz) Shooting 1886
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Coin: 16079, Genre: Medals, Timeline: World
Created (yyyymm): 201310, Last review: 201510
Appearance: Normal round coin Metallic brown Metallic gray Letters: Latin
Years: sort: 1886, filter: 1886 to 1886
Image: austria_linz_shooting_medal_1886.jpg

Tags: erin encircled septembre protector circal setyembre oesterreich rings shooter das avstri 5th des austriae aust erinnefung sept circling shoots encircles jahrige circel encircle protect landes ringed circumference encircling austro avst wimholzel ring aus shooting schiessens schutzenfest schutzenfenst circles loop jubliaums circumscribed protecte schutz avstr circumscibed fahnenweihe circuit linz erinerung austrie protectorate avstriae austrian erinnerung protectorates protective circlet circle austr austria schiessen loops 500 austriacum erinnerumg circular incircled circled schuzenfest shoot september oesterreichische

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