Uruguay 10 Pesos 1961

Uruguay 10 Pesos 1961

Hey, that's a neat coin, isn't it? The good part is that it is made of silver, 0.362 troy ounces, to be precise. The coin commemorates the Sesquicentennial (150th anniversary) of the Revolution against Spain. Gaucho is an equivalent of the North American cowboy, the Chilean huaso, the Cuban guajiro, the Venezuelan or Colombian llanero or the Mexican charro.

Finding the value of these coins takes a little work. First find the base value (BV) of the coin by multiplying the current price of silver (look it up at kitco.com, it changes every day) by 0.362. At the time of this writing in December 2013, silver is trading at $19.27 US dollars per troy ounce, so BV = 0.362 x 19.27 = about $7.

Once you have the BV, add a little value for coins in better condition, as follows:

worn: value is BV
average circulated: BV
well preserved: BV + $2
fully uncirculated: BV + $8

These figures are about what a collector would pay to buy this coin. If you are selling your coin to a professional dealer, he or she must make a profit to stay in business, so expect offers around one-half to two-thirds of these values.

Coin: 16089, Genre: Colonizers and Colonies, Timeline: Modern
Created (yyyymm): 201311, Last review: 201510
Appearance: Normal round coin Metallic gray Letters: Latin
Years: sort: 1961, filter: 1961 to 1961
Image: uruguay_10_pesos_1961.jpg

Tags: oriental republicas hat slicing reipvblicae male garland reif asia man republique helmets national repvbliqve orient headband repbulique repvblique fez hooded nacional nationale reef bonnet republika del republiek lining wreah sesquicentenario slash helmet lined lines historicos uruguay republiove preso 10th hood wreath mans bar haroe headdress republik sesquicent repub slice crossbar mens hechos wreathed bars helmit slanted repvblica wreth republicans caps rief line cap peso republicia repvbblica sesquicentennial republican outlined rebublique outline helmeted wreaths slant wreathe wreat uraguay republ pesos outlining republica asian republic

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