Mexico 5, 10, and 20 Centavos 1863 to 1905

Mexico 5, 10, and 20 Centavos 1863 to 1905

These are silver coins from the Second Mexican Republic. The catalogs show these coins -- all three denominaions of 5, 10, and 20 centavos -- with lots of twists and turns due to dates and mint marks. If you have a nice-looking coin, get general values from CoinQuest, but visit a knowledgeable collector or professional coin dealer for an in-person look at your coin. Values can be very low or very high, depending on a few subtle factors.

The mint mark is quite important on these coins. It is found at the top of the denomination (5, 10, 20) side with the half-wreath below. In our picture the mint mark is MoM for the Mexico City mint. Other mints include Zacatecas (H, A, ZsS and others) and Guanajuato (GoR), plus others. The 9027 at the top next to the mint mark is the purity of the silver (90.3 percent pure).

Our listings give general values for common dates and mint marks, plus some idea for more valuable *better date* coins.

5 CENTAVOS COMMON DATES (all dates except those below)
worn: $3 US dollars approximate catalog value
average circulated: $4
well preserved: $6
fully uncirculated: $15

5 CENTAVOS BETTER DATES (values are for well preserved coins)
1863SLP: $400
1867Mo: $100
1868Mo: $100
1868P: $100
1869GoS: $75
1869P: $600
1869PiS: $600
1870PiO: $600
1870ZsH: $50
1871M: $100
1871CnP: $350
1871ZsH: $50
1872GoS: $125
1872PiO: $200
1872ZsH: $50
1873M: $200
1873CnP: $200
1873GoS: $125
1873MoM: $100
1873ZsH: $100
1874M: $75
1874CnP: $100
1874DoM: $200
1874HoR: $300
1874PiH: $100
1874ZsA: $150
1876CnP: $100
1876ZsA: $100
1877DoP: $200
1877GaA: $60
1879DoB: $300
1879H: $1000
1881DoP: $800
1886CnP: $100
1887CnP: $100
1890OaN: $200

10 CENTAVOS COMMON DATES (all dates except those below)
worn: $5 US dollars approximate catalog value
average circulated: $10
well preserved: $15
fully uncirculated: $45

10 CENTAVOS BETTER DATES (values are for well preserved coins)
1863SLP: $300
1868P: $125
1869 all mint marks: $45 except:
1870PiG: $350
1870ZsH: $200
1871MoC: $150
1871MoM: $45
1871PiO: $150
1872PiO: $350
1872ZsH: $300
1873MoM: $30
1873ZsH: $60
1874PiH: $100
1874ZsA: $600
1875MoB: $65
1875PiH: $200
1876PiH: $200
1876ZsS: $300
1877PiH: $200
1878PiH: $800
1880PiH: $350
1881PiH: $500
1882ZsS: $50
1883PiH: $300
1884PiH: $100
1885PiH: $100
1886PiH: $60
1889OaE: $700
1890OaE: $300

20 CENTAVOS COMMON DATES (all dates except those below)
worn: $8 US dollars approximate catalog value
average circulated: $14
well preserved: $25
fully uncirculated: $100

20 CENTAVOS BETTER DATES (values are for well preserved coins)
1899CnM: $50
1899CnQ: $100

Coin: 16159, Genre: Colonizers and Colonies, Timeline: World
Created (yyyymm): 201311, Last review: 201511
Appearance: Normal round coin Metallic gray Letters: Latin
Years: sort: 1863, filter: 1863 to 1905
Image: mexico_10_centavos_1895.jpg

Tags: republicas mexican reipvblicae garland reif mexicano 5th centavo republique sitting mexicanos eagles mouthed repvbliqve mexio stool eaglets repbulique repvblique snakes wheat falcon reef centaos republika wheats egals mouth republiek wheatie wreah mexicana serpent republiove centanos 10th wreath mex sit republik seated repub sitted hawk asp seat 7th wreathed mexico sits repvblica wreth centavos republicans rief republicia repvbblica 20th eagel republican rebublique snake eagle wreaths wreathe wreat egal republ republica asps republic

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