US Denver Mint Souvenir

Token US Denver Mint Souvenir

This is a modern token or medallion from the Denver Mint. It is worth a few US dollars. The date 1789 is the year of the start of the United States Treasury. This token accompanied mint sets from the 1980's to 1999. There are two types, one says Philadelphia Mint and the other says Denver Mint. Dollar coins replaced the Treasury tokens in the 2000 mint sets.

These tokens can be bought as souvenirs when visiting a US mint. They used to have a press in the lobby where you could push a button and mint your own piece.

Coin: 1617, Genre: Tokens, Timeline: Modern
Created (yyyymm): 200909, Last review: 202310
Appearance: Normal round coin Metallic brown Letters: Latin
Years: sort: 1990, filter: 1948 to 2050
Image: us_denver_mint_token.jpg

Tags: escutcheon department bride key dwelling shiled fort female chevron stet stado barn sovenir coat woman mintmark womans crests logo departmento souvenir battlements arms mintmaster courthouse crest justice building insignia denver casa women ladies chevrons keys creast untied stato fem keepsakes residence sheild statehood stets ladys architectural arm skyline justicia treasury femal feminine iustitia stadt shields architecture crested buildings home stated house souvenirs cabin females scales mint workhouse skyscraper souv houses state staaten buildin coats womens mintmarks united scale hut lady staats shield princess escucheon sovenirs shild departmental structure

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