Portugal 10, 20, and 50 Centavos, and 1 Escudo 1912 to 1916

Portugal 10, 20, and 50 Centavos, and 1 Escudo 1912 to 1916

Pretty coin, Melville. And made of silver, too:

10 CENTAVOS: 0.067 troy ounces silver
20 CENTAVOS: 0.134 ounces silver
50 CENTAVOS: 0.336 ounces
1 ESCUDO: 0.671 ounces

At a minimum, these coins are worth their Base Value (BV). That is, they are worth the value of the silver they contain. To figure BV, use the current price of silver (available from kitco.com) and multiply by the silver content. At this writing, silver trades at $20.15 US dollars per troy ounce, so the BV of a 50 centavos coin is 0.336 x 20.15 = $6.77. Tomorrow the price of silver will change, so be sure to look it up.

If your coin is not worn to a frazzle, it will be worth more than BV due to collector demand. Here are some typical catalog values:

worn: BV
average circulated: BV + $1
well preserved: BV + $2
fully uncirculated: BV + $6

worn: BV + $2
average circulated: BV + $25
well preserved: BV + $40
fully uncirculated: BV + $120
coins dated 1913 are worth a tad more than these figures
coins dated 1916 are worth a tad less than these figures

worn: BV + $2
average circulated: BV + $3
well preserved: BV + $5
fully uncirculated: BV + $20

worn: BV + $3
average circulated: BV + $15
well preserved: BV + $40
fully uncirculated: BV + $70

Be sure to apply the concepts on our Important Terminology page to understand how coin values work.

Coin: 16260, Genre: Colonizers and Colonies, Timeline: World
Created (yyyymm): 201400, Last review: 201511
Appearance: Normal round coin Metallic gray Letters: Latin
Years: sort: 1912, filter: 1912 to 1916
Image: portugal_10_centavos_1915.jpg

Tags: escutcheon fern encircled republicas shiled reipvblicae garland escvdo escudus reif circal female woman rings crests portug liafy leaves centavo republique leaf crest repvbliqve insignia women portugalie ladies chevrons repbulique portugaliae repvblique fem cruciform circling ladys arm reef encircles scudo crossing leave circel centaos encircle shields republika escudos leaved leafs republiek wreah females ringed scarf circumference encircling coats womens ring lady leafe portugueza portugali republiove leafy portugesa portugalia centanos 10th bride wreath circles loop circumscribed circumscibed maltese portvgvesa republik circuit chevron escudo portugal bough 50th coat womans crosses leafed portugel logo portoguesa repub leavs foliage arms portvcvesa circlet circle wreathed ferns creast growth repvblica wreth portugese crossed 1st centavos sheild republicans boughs loops rief maltise denomination femal feminine portuguesa republicia circular criss incircled ivy crested portuguese repvbblica 20th republican rebublique cross circled neck greenery wreaths wreathe portvg wreat bush shield princess escucheon republ republica shild denominations republic

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