Ireland 6 Pence 1928 to 1969

Ireland 6 Pence 1928 to 1969

I really like the coin in our picture. The surfaces are crisp and clear, with great color and excellent luster. This is the kind of coin collectors seek for their collections, and will pay high premiums for coins like this.

Ireland minted 6 pence (6d) coins between 1928 and 1969. The early dates, before 1936, were minted in nickel and included the inscription SAORSTAT EIREANN. After 1936 the coins are made of copper-nickel and use the EIRE inscription.

All these coins are worth less than $1 US dollar if in worn condition. As condition improves, so does value, but not too much:

worn: less than $1 US dollar approximate catalog value
average circulated: $1
well preserved: $3
fully uncirculated: $8

The values above apply to all dates. However, there are several better date coins that can be worth more if in good condition. To obtain the values shown below, coins must be very well preserved. If not well preserved, these coins are worth much less than the values shown.

1934: $20 in well preserved condition
1935: $30
1945: $50
1946: $75
1947: $30
1948: $10
1949: $15
1950: $12

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Ireland 6 Pence 1928 to 1969
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Coin: 16275, Genre: Colonizers and Colonies, Timeline: World
Created (yyyymm): 201400, Last review: 201600
Appearance: Normal round coin Metallic brown Metallic gray Letters: Latin
Years: sort: 1928, filter: 1928 to 1969
Image: ireland_6_pence_1955.jpg

Tags: encircled harp ireland circal celts celtic bulldog rings fourpence eire wolf irish saorstat circling encircles circel encircle ringed sixpence circumference encircling ring 6th threepence circles loop hibernia circumscribed pence circumscibed circuit dog coyote circlet circle hibernie reul twopence hiber loops circular incircled wolfhound hib ire circled

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