Mexico 25 Pesos 1968

Mexico 25 Pesos 1968

Cool coin. Mexico issued this large 25 pesos coin only in 1968. It is made of 72% pure silver by law (0.720 ley) and shows the national coat of arms of Mexico (eagle, snake, cactus). Each coin contains 0.521 troy ounces of silver. To find the value of the coin, look up the current value of silver and multiply it by 0.521 to get the base value (BV) of this coin. The coin cannot be worth less than BV.

For instance, suppose silver is selling for $20 US dollars per troy ounce (click to for up-to-minute silver values), so BV = 0.521 x 20 = $10.42.

If your coin is in superb condition, like the one in our picture, collectors will pay a few dollars more than BV.

If you want to sell your coin to a dealer, he or she will offer a few dollars less than BV. The margin gives the dealer profit to stay in business.

Coin: 16279, Genre: Colonizers and Colonies, Timeline: Modern
Created (yyyymm): 201400, Last review: 202006
Appearance: Normal round coin Metallic gray Letters: Latin
Years: sort: 1968, filter: 1968 to 1968
Image: mexico_25_pesos_1968.jpg

Tags: encircled libertatis ley mexican liberta circal indian rings libera mexicano mexicanos eagles mexio eaglets libertas snakes xix olympiad circling olimpiada falcon libertad encircles olympic circel encircle egals ringed independenta circumference liberte encircling independencia olympics mexicana ring serpent bow olympique olympiade olympische preso circles loop rocks circumscribed mex circumscibed circuit independancia independent cactus liberdad libertao hawk circlet asp liberty circle mexico juegos rocke loops 25th liberate peso circular liber incircled olympia independiente eagel snake circled rock eagle indians libertate egal independance independence pesos asps

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