Ancient Rome Probus Antoninianus (CLEMENTIA, XXI) 276AD to 282AD

Ancient Rome Probus Antoninianus (CLEMENTIA, XXI) 276AD to 282AD

Your description is difficult to interpret, Louna, but your coin is probably one like this. It is a bronze antoninianus from the reign of Roman emperor Probus (276 to 282AD). The antoninianus denomination suffered (like all coins during national deterioration) from devaluation, and the XXI annotation on the reverse is thought to indicate a 20 (XX) to 1 (I) ratio of bronze to silver in the coin. Initially the coin was made of pure silver with a value of 2 denarii, but, by the time of Probus, had debased to only 5 percent silver.

The image on the back is likely to be the Roman god Jupiter handing the globe to Probus, but there are several other interpretations and several other patterns as well.

As to value, these coins are surprisingly common. Avid collectors of such coins usually pay in accordance with these rough catalog values:

worn: $25 US dollars approximate catalog value
average circulated: $50
well preserved: $120

As with all ancient coins, each specimen stands on its own merits. If you have a nice-looking coin, check it out with a knowledgeable collector or professional coin dealer.

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Ancient Rome Probus Antoninianus (CLEMENTIA, XXI) 276AD to 282AD
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Coin: 16326, Genre: Ancient, Timeline: Ancient
Created (yyyymm): 201400, Last review: 201600
Appearance: Normal round coin Metallic brown Letters: Latin
Years: sort: 276, filter: 276 to 282
Image: ancient_probus_antoninianus.jpg

Tags: spearing tiera headed antoninus slicing broadsword scripts spear male letter sworeds peoples spears xxi saber round lance monograms man clementia twice stand tiarra rounds sword lettering initials tiara orb romanorum globe septer crown globes people anton sphere stands wuin lining scepter harpoon slash spheres crowning globus lined lines roma caligraphy hand inscription sceptrum peple romen mans jupiter two bar heads crowns sceptor shaking oneheaded sceptre swords crowned septor monogram balls slice rome crossbar head roman mens bars standing slanted person initals letters handshake romana ball line clewientia romanorvm outlined scrip inscriptions hands outline earth antoninianus probus slant persons hemisphere lettered swordlike script ancient outlining calligraphy initial javelin

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