Norway 10 Ore 1875 to 1903

Norway 10 Ore 1875 to 1903

The lion wielding an ax on a crowned shield is a a sure way to tell if a coin is from Norway! Catalog values are okay for these small silver issues, with some dates being outright rare:

worn: $5 US dollars approximate catalog value
average circulated: $25
well preserved: $40
fully uncirculated: $60

There are better dates, as called out below:

1875: $125 average circulated, $565 fully uncirculated
1877: $125 avg. circulated, $700 fully unc.
1878: $95 avg. circulated, $565 fully unc.
1880: $70 avg. circulated, $200 fully unc.
1882: $50 avg. circulated, $110 fully unc.
1888: $65 avg. circulated, $125 fully unc.
1889: $40 avg. circulated, $85 fully unc.

Damaged coins are worth a single dollar at most.

Refer to our Important Terminology page found on the top left in order to properly interpret these catalog values.

Coin: 16456, Genre: Central Europe North South, Timeline: World
Created (yyyymm): 201401, Last review: 201600
Appearance: Normal round coin Metallic gray Letters: Latin
Years: sort: 1875, filter: 1875 to 1903
Image: norway_10_ore_1883.jpg

Tags: escutcheon tiera shiled scripts scrolwork letter monograms nor crests vel val norges twice stand crest tiarra insignia centered chevrons lettering axehead filigree initials tiara mallot romanorum numeral tigers cruciform lion arm norway crown crossing certer scroll shields stands centers numerals scrollwork brodrafolkens tiger coats centre crowning mallets lions hammers roma caligraphy inscription broderfolkenesvel 10th romen two mallet broderfolkenes crowns maltese chevron hatchet scrolls coat crosses logo crowned monogram off axes rome scolled arms roman offcenter standing creast initals hammered letters crossed cougar sheild sledge romana norwegian sledgehammer maltise axe criss ore crested norge romanorvm scrolled broderfolkens cross scrip inscriptions axhead norse hammer lettered shield center escucheon offset script shild calligraphy initial

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