Austria 4 Florin 10 Francs and 8 Florin 20 Francs 1870 to 1892

Austria 4 Florin 10 Francs and 8 Florin 20 Francs 1870 to 1892

These are beautiful gold coins from Austria. Coins dated 1892 are bullion coins. Other dates are coins struck for normal use. First we address coins dated before 1892.

4 FLORIN 10 FRANCS 1870 TO 1891
worn: BV
average circulated: BV + $20 US dollars
well preserved: BV + $100
fully uncirculated: BV + $300

8 FLORIN 20 FRANCS 1870 TO 1891
worn: BV
average circulated: BV + $20 US dollars
well preserved: BV + $80
fully uncirculated: BV + $220

8 florin 20 francs dated 1872 are special. They were minted only in small quantities. An 1872 specimen catalogs for $3500 in well preserved condition.

The initials 'BV' mean 'base value,' or the value of the gold contained in the coin.

4 FLORIN 10 FRANCS: 0.0933 troy ounces gold
8 FLORIN 20 FRANCS: 0.1867 troy ounces gold

To compute BV, multiply the current price of gold by the gold content. Right now, when this page was written, gold was trading at $1324 US dollars per troy ounce. Look it up (see The price of gold changes continuously. At this moment the BVs are:

4 FLORIN 10 FRANCS: BV = 1324 x 0.0933 = $123
8 FLORIN 20 FRANCS: BV = 1324 x 0.1867 = $247

Use the listings above, then, with the current BV, to find the value of your coin dated before 1892.

If your coin is dated 1892, it is a restrike, not an original coin from 1892. Austria is famous (infamous!) for doing this. They mint coins in modern times but with old dates. So your coin dated 1892 may have been produced last week. Confusing, huh?

1892 restrikes are worth BV, nothing more. So if your coin is dated 1892, compute the BV using the current price of gold and that will be the its value. Since your coin is made of gold, it is valuable, but there is no value above BV for 1892 restrikes.

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Austria 4 Florin 10 Francs and 8 Florin 20 Francs 1870 to 1892
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Coin: 16559, Genre: Central Europe North South, Timeline: World
Created (yyyymm): 201401, Last review: 201601
Appearance: Normal round coin Metallic yellow Letters: Latin
Years: sort: 1870, filter: 1870 to 1892
Image: austria_4_florin_10_francs_1892.jpg

Tags: headed iosephus male oesterreich rex franciscus emperer 4th avstri man franciscvs imperator emperado eagles imperatore emperador eaglets francia austriae emporer aust josephvs imperium francisvs emperor imperio franks doubling egals rexf austro avst aus franciae francis empress imper rexx 10th mans heads rexm avstr emperio franciaet oneheaded frank austrie avstriae emperator austrian head francisco mens emperur austr franziskus emp austria empereur fancs francs impc double impz doubled franc austriacum josephus imperaior florin imperial rexano 20th emperuer eagel imperat doubles imp eagle fransiscvs empreradur imperialis egal oesterreichische

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