Mexico 25 Centavos 1950 to 1953

Mexico 25 Centavos 1950 to 1953

'Ley' means law and 'Cs' means centavos on this coin. By law, this coin contains 25 centavos worth of silver in 1950. That's a total silver content of 0.0321 troy ounces. At today's silver price of about $21 US dollars per troy ounce, that's 0.0321 x 21 = 67 US cents. Tomorrow the price of silver will be different, so look it up on web sites such as

These coins are quite common and do not command high prices. Typical catalog values are:

worn: less than $1 US dollar approximate catalog value
average circulated: $1
well preserved: $2
fully uncirculated: $3

Coin: 16632, Genre: Colonizers and Colonies, Timeline: Modern
Created (yyyymm): 201402, Last review: 201509
Appearance: Normal round coin Metallic gray Letters: Latin
Years: sort: 1950, filter: 1950 to 1953
Image: mexico_25_centavos_1950.jpg

Tags: libertatis hat ley bells mexican scrolwork broadsword liberta sworeds estrados sunshine saber libera mexicano centavo helmets grasp twice mexicanos eagles sola grasping mexio eaglets sword estas headband fez libertas hooded filigree snakes falcon libertad bonnet scroll centaos egals sunset liberte scrollwork mexicana helmet serpent estado bell scale centanos hood two key mex sun headdress unitos scrolls swords liberdad apothecary scolled libertao hawk sunrise asp liberty helmit keys undos mexico centavos sunburst sunlight caps 25th liberate cap sol liber eagel scrolled scales snake estados helmeted eagle sols unidos libertate egal swordlike asps

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