US Ohio States Buckeyes Bicentennial 1976

Token US Ohio States Buckeyes Bicentennial 1976

Michael, we have found a couple of tokens with the Ohio States Buckeyes and a bicentennial motif. They seem to be somewhat scarce, but with a very small collector following. In the past, auctions for these tokens have sold successfully for $5 to $10 US dollars. Tokens with a darker surface and scratches will be closer to $5, while tokens with mint luster and few or no scratches will be worth closer to $10.

I think a cool feature of these tokens is that they come with a schedule for the team, listing the games of the season. It's definitely a nifty piece of memorabilia, and, if you find the right buyer, emotional attachment will send the price way up.

Coin: 16755, Genre: Tokens, Timeline: Modern
Created (yyyymm): 201402, Last review: 201602
Appearance: Normal round coin Metallic brown Dark metallic Letters: Latin
Years: sort: 1976, filter: 1976 to 1976
Image: us_ohio_state_token_1976.jpg

Tags: fern libertatis hat bells slicing scrolwork liberta stado ohio libera limb liafy branch leaves helmets leaf sticks headband stato fez libertas hooded filigree buckeye stets libertad bonnet leave scroll spray leaved leafs lining liberte slash scrollwork state helmet bell lined staats lines leafe stalks leafy hood twigs bar headdress stet scrolls bough twig sprigs liberdad leafed leavs foliage slice scolled libertao crossbar liberty sprays ferns bars helmit sprig slanted branched branches stick caps boughs bicentenary statehood liberate line cap buckeyes stadt liber ivy stalk stated branching scrolled outlined outline greenery staaten helmeted bicentenario slant bicentennial libertate bush outlining

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