Canada Dawson Creek Dollar 1979

Token Canada Dawson Creek Dollar 1979

Dr. George Mercer Dawson (1849-1901) was a Canadian scientist and surveyor. He was afflicted with tuberculosis of the spine (Pott's disease) that resulted in a deformed back and stunted his growth. However, his physical limitations did not deter Dawson from becoming one of Canada's greatest scientists. In 1887, he led an expedition into the Yukon, developing some of the first maps of what later became the separate territory. Both Dawson City and Dawson Creek, British Columbia are named in his honor.

This token, known as a 'Dawson Dollar,' was mass-produced at the 100th anniversary of Dawson's survey of the creek in British Columbia. They sell for two to five US dollars, depending on condition.

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Canada Dawson Creek Dollar 1979
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Coin: 16898, Genre: Tokens, Timeline: Modern
Created (yyyymm): 201403, Last review: 201603
Appearance: Normal round coin Metallic gray Letters: Latin
Years: sort: 1979, filter: 1979 to 1979
Image: canada_dawson_creek_token_1979.jpg

Tags: grain encircled dwelling provedendo peace province beading georg period septembre fort circal bearded centenario elevator setyembre periods rings wiskers whisker providendo land centenary geogivs courthouse centered providencia dawson centenaio goty georgeivs sept sideburns mustache circling architectural skyline georgivis encircles certer beard georgius circel encircle doller georgivs creek sideburn cabin ringed centers circumference beaded skyscraper encircling new centre beareded ring hut geor point canadienne george circles moustache loop river circumscribed canada circumscibed dots geroges circuit barn centenial georgiv beads geogius mushtash points off canadian provincial dollare providentia battlements circlet value circle building giorgi offcenter casa beared georgious prov grains centennium georgvs residence georgian bust georgevs loops dollars canad bead canadaian dollar one georgium circular incircled architecture pool buildings home house ones dol dot workhouse tee circled houses buildin goatee centennial september georgvis gotee centenaro center offset dolls dotted candian whiskers structure

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