US Century of Progress Good Luck 1933 and 1934

Token US Century of Progress Good Luck 1933 and 1934

There is a good summary page for these tokens over at the TipsicoCoin web site. They come from the Chicago World's Fair of 1933 and 1934 and are typical good luck tokens of the US depression era. Typical values run like this:

worn: $1 US dollar approximate catalog value
average circulated: $5
well preserved: $20
fully uncirculated: $50

Use our Important Terminology page to properly interpret these catalog values.

Coin: 16917, Genre: Tokens, Timeline: World
Created (yyyymm): 201403, Last review: 201603
Appearance: Normal round coin Metallic brown Letters: Latin
Years: sort: 1933, filter: 1933 to 1934
Image: us_century_of_progress_1933.jpg

Tags: fern swasticka slicing symbol curvy waves wavy swastika cupro bronzes swirls galloping 4th jets symbal liafy wavey curves symbels leaves scribble order leaf elephant exonumia copper vertical bronze centered swatz century jeton orb shamrock brass globe coppery stallion curl mounted globes swastick horseman waive wave certer leave sphere elephants riding rabbits swirl leaved leafs lining reins centers twirly shoe bowed slash jetons swatstika spheres simbol rein ietton curly centre chicago globus curlicues lined waving lines leafe curved verticle jetton leafy worlds symbols saturn rider bar foot prance swirly curving equestres jet bough lucky clover leafed symbles progress equestrian swazticka progreso leavs balls swas off foliage squiggley slice horse ride swaztika mountie crossbar curve swastiks curlycue coppers offcenter ferns bars squiggles sarturn slanted vertically clovers tokens swats sqiggles prancing boughs horses swoosh ball line curls mount simble progresso swastik nsdap luck horsehead nazi swastikas ivy pony planet squigle squiggly outlined swaztica outline greenery earth horseback scribbles slant hemisphere world bush center token offset outlining squiggle rabbit

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