Ireland 2 Pence 1971 to 2000

Ireland 2 Pence 1971 to 2000

The coin in our picture is in terrific condition: fully uncirculated with dazzling red color. Such a coin might fetch $4 or $5 US dollars. Other coins, in more 'normal' condition are worth less than $1 to coin collectors.

It's funny, I know, but coin collectors call uncirculated copper coins 'red' when they look like the coin in our picture. Everyone knows, however, that they are really orange in color.

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Ireland 2 Pence 1971 to 2000
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Coin: 16975, Genre: Colonizers and Colonies, Timeline: Modern
Created (yyyymm): 201404, Last review: 201603
Appearance: Normal round coin Metallic brown Letters: Latin
Years: sort: 1971, filter: 1971 to 2000
Image: ireland_2_pence_1998.jpg

Tags: parrot ireland harp celts celtic 2000 fourpence birds eire owl gull 2nd irish crow pigeon sixpence flamingo lyrebird threepence hibernia pence hibernie twopence hiber bird hib ire

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