Great Britain Crown 1887 to 1900

Great Britain Crown 1887 to 1900

These grand old coins were minted from 1887 to 1900 with Queen Victoria on the front and St. George the dragonslayer on the back. In 1893 the portrait of the queen changed, but the dragonslayer stayed the same. These coins contain 0.841 troy ounces of silver, so they carry a value at least 0.841 times the current price of silver. Look it up at

Value will be strongly dependent on condition. The coin in both our pictures are in nice numismatic (coin collecting) shape, with only a little wear and no significant problems like stains, spots, scratches, polishings or cleanings.


Here are some typical catalog values for these old crowns.

CROWN 1887 to 1892 (primary picture, with both sides):
worn: $50 US dollars approximate catalog value
average circulated: $80
well preserved: $200
fully uncirculated: $550

CROWN 1893 to 1900 (secondary picture, with shading):
worn: $35 US dollars approximate catalog value
average circulated: $70
well preserved: $300
fully uncirculated: $750

These are catalog values. Be sure you understand what 'catalog' means by reading our description of the subject on the Terminology page.

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Great Britain Crown 1887 to 1900
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Coin: 1707, Genre: Colonizers and Colonies, Timeline: World
Created (yyyymm): 200909, Last review: 201602
Appearance: Normal round coin Metallic gray Letters: Latin
Years: sort: 1887, filter: 1887 to 1900
Image: great_britain_crown_1890.jpg

Tags: hood rider tiera hat britt broadsword prance queen georg equestres crowns sworeds geroges brit headdress saber queens georgiv english galloping victoriya british britan swords equestrian geogius britian crowned helmets horse geogivs ride mountie asp tiarra dragons giorgi sword britain brittish georgious helmit headband viktoria fez hooded georgvs tiara snakes victoria vicoria georgian georgeivs prancing caps georgevs horses stallion mounted cap crown mount georgivis bonnet horseman dragonslayer georgium georgius horsehead victotia georgivs riding england pony slayer victoriad reins reg snake brittain dragon rein helmeted cape horseback brittan helmet serpent crowning georgvis swordlike great geor asps victor george

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