Philippines 1 Piso 1972 to 1974

Philippines 1 Piso 1972 to 1974

If you look at the coin catalogs for this copper-zinc-nickel coin from the Philippines, you'd think it was worth only $1 US dollar in fully uncirculated condition. But the catalogs are wrong, at least a little bit. These are popular coins with collectors and a nice-looking circulated example, like the one in our picture, sells for $3 or more. Adjusting the catalogs a little, our estimate of value is:

worn: less than $1 US dollar approximate catalog value
average circulated: $2
well preserved: $5
fully uncirculated: $10

Be sure to read our page about catalog values. Click the Terminology link.

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Philippines 1 Piso 1972 to 1974
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Coin: 17092, Genre: Islamic Hindu Buddhist, Timeline: Modern
Created (yyyymm): 201404, Last review: 201604
Appearance: Normal round coin Metallic gray Letters: Latin
Years: sort: 1972, filter: 1972 to 1974
Image: philippines_1_piso_1974.jpg

Tags: escutcheon republicas headed shiled reipvblicae piso sunshine ribbons crests republique philippines philippine sola crest repvbliqve pilipina insignia chevrons repbulique repvblique banco arm shields republika sunset republiek filipinas phillipines banque coats republiove filipino heads sun republik chevron oneheaded sentral rizal bangko coat logo pilipinas repub arms sunrise ilipinas head sash creast repvblica 1st sheild sunburst republicans sunlight banko bank republicia sol crested repvbblica republican rebublique rizals sols shield escucheon ribon republ republica shild republic ribbon

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