Guatemala 5 Centavos 1949 to Date

Guatemala 5 Centavos 1949 to Date

These coins from the Republic of Guatemala in Central America show the national arms on one side, and a 'kapok tree' on the other side. The tree's seed pods yield a fluffy fiber which is used as a soft stuffing for mattresses, upholstery, teddy bears and other objects. Under the tree, the national motto of 'LIBRE CREZCA FECUNDO' is displayed - it translates into 'Grow free and fertile'.

Coins minted before 1965 contain silver. There is an annotation '0.720' on the silver coins which is missing from the post-1964 copper-nickel coins. The silver is 72 percent pure:

5 CENTAVOS 1949 to 1964: 0.0386 troy ounces silver
5 CENTAVOS after 1964: zero silver content

The post-1964 coins are not worth much. A keen collector might pay a couple dollars to add a nice looking specimen to his or her collection. Worn and circulated coins are worth face value - a few US cents.

The 1965 date is slightly scarcer. Coins with only light wear may sell for $1, while pristine specimens in fully uncirculated condition may sell at $5 or slightly more.

For the pre-1965 silver issues, first compute the base value (BV) of the silver. At today's levels of $18.85 US dollars per troy ounce (see, BV is 0.0386 x 18.85 = 72 US cents. Silver changes every day, so be sure to look it up.

Normal circulated pre-1965 coins are worth BV. If you can find one in fully uncirculated condition, add a collector premium to the BV:

1949: add $25 to BV for fully uncirculated coind
1959 to 1954: add $8
1955 to 1964: add $2

If you are really fortunate, maybe you can find a gold 5 centavos. A handful of them were minted in 1953 and distributed to dignitaries. They are worth a *ton* of money.

Any damaged coin is worth BV or zero, regardless of the date and wear from circulation.

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Guatemala 5 Centavos 1949 to Date
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Coin: 17148, Genre: Colonizers and Colonies, Timeline: Modern
Created (yyyymm): 201405, Last review: 201604
Appearance: Normal round coin Metallic gray Letters: Latin
Years: sort: 1949, filter: 1949 to 2050
Image: guatemala_5_centavos_1994.jpg

Tags: escutcheon palmetto palmtree republicas parrot shiled scrolwork trees reipvblicae garland rifle reif fron crests 5th oak centavo republique birds crest repvbliqve owl insignia chevrons repbulique gull musket repvblique filigree rifles tree arm reef gautemala guatemala crow scroll centaos shields republika pigeon libres republiek wreah frond scrollwork flamingo coats elm bayonet gun pistoles libre lyrebird republiove centanos wreath fronds republik chevron scrolls pine coat logo repub scolled arms guns wreathed creast repvblica palms wreth centavos palm sheild republicans pistol bird rief republicia crested repvbblica scrolled republican rebublique wreaths wreathe wreat muskets fecundo shield escucheon pistole republ republica shild republic

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