Thailand 1 Baht 1986 to Date

Thailand 1 Baht 1986 to Date

You have a modern 1 baht coin from Thailand. It is made of copper-nickel and is worth face value. A collector might pay a few US dollars to add an uncirculated specimen to his or her collection.

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Thailand 1 Baht 1986 to Date
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Coin: 17194, Genre: Islamic Hindu Buddhist, Timeline: Modern
Created (yyyymm): 201405, Last review: 201604
Appearance: Normal round coin Metallic gray Letters: Latin
Years: sort: 1986, filter: 1986 to 2050
Image: thailand_1_baht_1986.jpg

Tags: dwelling bahk male fort piramid steps man hairline courthouse siam pyramid siamese specs thailand sunglasses architectural skyline cabin skyscraper step hut short mans pyramids barn glasses battlements mens building casa residence 1st architecture hair buildings home house steping baht eyeglasses workhouse houses buildin hairdo thai stepping structure

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