Algeria 1, 2 and 5 Centimes 1964

Algeria 1, 2 and 5 Centimes 1964

Are you sure that's Sanskrit, TJ? From your description, this coin type from Algeria seems to be a match. It has the crescent between the two flags, and it's a tiny coin from 1964. However, the lettering on this coin is Arabic, not Sanskrit. If we misidentified your coin, just submit a new appraisal, and we'll try again!

Being quite modern coins with mintages in the tens of millions, their values are quite low. Even in fully uncirculated condition, catalog values just barely reach $2 US dollars. That goes for all denominations - 1, 2 and 5 centimes alike.

For a coin to reach the $2 value, it must be completely free of even light scratches or fingerprints. Collectors do not like impaired surfaces.

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Algeria 1, 2 and 5 Centimes 1964
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Coin: 17258, Genre: Islamic Hindu Buddhist, Timeline: Modern
Created (yyyymm): 201405, Last review: 201605
Appearance: Normal round coin Metallic gray Letters: Flowing style
Years: sort: 1964, filter: 1964 to 1964
Image: algeria_5_centimes_1964.jpg

Tags: algeria encircled cmes scrolwork sanskrit garland waves reif circal wavy colours rings wavey alger 5th crecesnt bannered moon colors 2nd filigree flags crescent circling centime stars reef encircles waive wave scroll circel encircle banner blanket wreah ringed circumference encircling scrollwork burst ring banners waving wreath circles loop circumscribed circumscibed circuit scrolls flag scolled circlet algerie star cresent circle starburst wreathed alcer starrs wreth 1st loops rief circular incircled scrolled centimes circled wreaths wreathe wreat

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