Rhodesia (Southern, Zimbabwe) 3 Pence 1932 to 1952

Rhodesia (Southern, Zimbabwe) 3 Pence 1932 to 1952

It's called Zimbabwe today, but back when the British held sway there, it was called Southern Rhodesia. These three pence coins show images of British monarchs George V and George VI. Some are made of silver, and some of copper-nickel, as follows:

1932 to 1936: George V, 0.042 troy ounces silver
1937 to 1942: George VI, 0.042 ounces silver
1944 to 1946: George VI, 0.022 ounces silver
1947 to 1952: George VI, copper-nickel, no silver

If you have a silver date, your coin will never be worth less than its weight in silver. For current silver prices, see kitco.com.

In addition to silver value, older coins in good condition carry collector value. Here are the statistics:

3 PENCE 1932 TO 1946
worn: silver value only
average circulated: add $1 US dollar to silver value
well preserved: add $15 to silver value
fully uncirculated: add $45 to silver value
3 pence dated 1939 are somewhat rare, add $100 to silver value for uncirculated coins
3 pence dated 1942 and 1946 are common, add only $25 to silver value for uncirculated coins

3 PENCE AFTER 1946 (copper-nickel)
worn: less than $1 US dollar approximate catalog value
average circulated: $1
well preserved: $10
fully uncirculated: $25
3 pence dated 1951 and 1952 are somewhat rare, cataloging around $25 in well preserved condition

As always on CoinQuest, you must adjust these catalog values using the factors shown on our Important Terminology page to get actual buy and sell values.

Coin: 17344, Genre: Colonizers and Colonies, Timeline: World
Created (yyyymm): 201406, Last review: 201605
Appearance: Normal round coin Metallic gray Letters: Latin
Years: sort: 1932, filter: 1932 to 1952
Image: rhodesia_southern_3_pence_1949.jpg

Tags: spearing spear georg spears lance emperer fourpence imperator geogivs emperado imperatore emperador emporer georgeivs emperor sud south rhodes georgivis southern georgius georgivs sixpence rhodesian harpoon rhodesia kings three zimbabwe king geor empress imper george threepence pence emperio geroges georgiv zuid emperator geogius giorgi emperur georgious emp georgvs empereur georgian twopence impc georgevs impz suid imperaior georgium emperuer ziud imperat 3rd imp empreradur georgvis javelin

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