Colombia Escudo Cobs (Fakes are possible) 1665 to 1759

Colombia Escudo Cobs (Fakes are possible) 1665 to 1759

The Spanish Empire once included vast territories filled with gold and silver deposits in Central and Southern America. Transporting the precious metal back to mainland Spain as chunks of ore was inefficient. Coins could be packed together much better, and impurities were removed from the metal in the production process.

These gold 1, 2, 4 and 8 escudos were one way of getting New World gold back to the Old World. This page deals with those coins struck in Bogota, Colombia during the reigns of Charles II (1665-1700), Philip V (1700-1746) and Ferdinand VI (1749-1759).

It can be a real labyrinth for the novice collector to find their way around these interesting, yet crude coins. But the journey is worth all the time spent.

1 ESCUDO: 3.4 grams weight of genuine coin
2 ESCUDOS: 6.7 grams
4 ESCUDOS: 13.5 grams
8 ESCUDOS: 27.0 grams

The start and end dates for the different minor coin variations do not perfectly follow the reigns of the kings. Use the list below to find your denomination, then the date range, and check the value:

1 ESCUDO (1666-1715)
worn: $1500 US dollars approximate catalog value
average circulated: $2000
well preserved: $3000

1 ESCUDO (1715-1746)
worn: $1000
average circulated: $1500
well preserved: $2000

1 ESCUDO (1751-1756)
worn: $1000
average circulated: $1500
well preserved: $2000

2 ESCUDOS (1667-1691)
worn: $800
average circulated: $1200
well preserved: $2000

2 ESCUDOS (1692-1693)
worn: $1500
average circulated: $2250
well preserved: $2750

2 ESCUDOS (1694-1700)
worn: $1200
average circulated: $2000
well preserved: $2500

2 ESCUDOS (1701-1713)
worn: $1500
average circulated: $2250
well preserved: $2750

2 ESCUDOS (1717-1746)
worn: $950
average circulated: $1450
well preserved: $1750

2 ESCUDOS (1747-1756)
worn: $850
average circulated: $1250
well preserved: $1500

4 ESCUDOS (1743-1756)
worn: $2500
average circulated: $3500
well preserved: $4500

8 ESCUDOS (1743-1756)
worn: 3000
average circulated: $4000
well preserved: $5000

For any coin with a legible date, add $200 numismatic premium. Most coins can only be identified by type to a certain date range due to the crude nature of the striking process.

There are many fakes out there. Only buy valuable coins from dealers you know and trust.

Please see our Important Terminology page at the top left in order to properly translate the catalog values used here into actual buy and sales values.

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Colombia Escudo Cobs (Fakes are possible) 1665 to 1759
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Coin: 17385, Genre: Colonizers and Colonies, Timeline: World
Created (yyyymm): 201406, Last review: 201800
Appearance: Normal round coin Metallic yellow Letters: Latin
Years: sort: 1665, filter: 1665 to 1759
Image: colombia_1_escudo_cob.jpg

Tags: escutcheon colombian encircled shiled beading period gramm escvdo escudus circal fake weights periods rings crests goldenen forges colombia 5th crest insignia chevrons forge colo weigh cruciform tigers lion forgery circling arm cobs encircles scudo cob crossing circel encircle shields gram escudos ringed circumference beaded encircling castel tiger cobb coats ring fakes lions gold replicas forger grams columbia counterfeit point colommbia cobbs circles loop repro circumscribed colombo circumscibed maltese dots circuit chevron escudo gramos coat beads replica crosses golden logo gildt points arms weight circlet coloumbia castle circle goldish creast counterfiet counterfet crossed cougar sheild pearl castles reproduction loops bead pearls maltise one circular criss incircled crested ones dot cross circled 3rd weighs counterfeits shield escucheon weighed dotted jerusalem shild reproductions

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