Ancient Rome (Parium City Coinage) Augustus Bronzes with Capricorn 27BC to 14AD

Ancient Rome (Parium City Coinage) Augustus Bronzes with Capricorn 27BC to 14AD

Parium, known to the locals as Parion, was a city founded by the ancient Greeks, located in what is now northwestern Turkey. At the time of these coin issues, it was part of the Roman province of Mysia. Coins have been produced in Parion since around the 4th century BC, which is attested by the amazing craftsmanship required to carve such beautiful designs into tiny dies. Values are quite respectable, as shown below:

worn: $85 US dollars approximate catalog value
average circulated: $350
well preserved: $500

Very well preserved coins with a strong legend and a beautiful portrait can be worth even more.

Please refer to our Important Terminology page found at the top left in order to properly interpret these catalog values.

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Ancient Rome (Parium City Coinage) Augustus Bronzes with Capricorn 27BC to 14AD
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Coin: 17731, Genre: Ancient, Timeline: Ancient
Created (yyyymm): 201408, Last review: 201704
Appearance: Unusual or irregular shape Metallic brown Letters: Latin
Years: sort: -27, filter: -27 to 14
Image: rome_augustus_capricorn.jpg

Tags: headed hat avgustus cupro bronzes avgu augusta helmets lamb avgvst rama copper bronze headband goats fez avgvsto hooded brass romanorum coppery avgg avgvstvs parium bonnet sheep avgv avg cornucopia town helmet avcc ramayana roma augustus hood romen heads avgvsti headdress oneheaded capricorn rome head roman aug coppers helmit city cornucopias august augustas caps romana cap avgvsta ram romanorvm helmeted goat avgvs ancient cities

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