Romania 1825 Years Baile Herculane (Hercules) 1978

Medal Romania 1825 Years Baile Herculane (Hercules) 1978

B?ile Herculane (Baths of Hercules) is a small city in Caras-Severin, Banat, Romania. During Roman civilization Baile Herculane was a major attraction for the aristocracy. Documentary attestation of Baile Herculane dates back to 153 AD, so this medal, dated 1978, commemorates 1825 years of documented existence.

An interesting blog post by Epaminonda gives more information about the Baths and this medal, and CoinQuest thanks Epaminonda for use of the nice image.

There is very little information available about this medal, its origin, and its value. Since the medal in modern (1978) and made of non-precious metal, it is probably worth around $10 US dollars. Collectors of coins with Roman gods would surely be willing to pay the higher prices.

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Romania 1825 Years Baile Herculane (Hercules) 1978
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Coin: 17900, Genre: Medals, Timeline: Modern
Created (yyyymm): 201408, Last review: 201705
Appearance: Normal round coin Metallic brown Letters: Latin
Years: sort: 1978, filter: 1978 to 1978
Image: romania_baile_herculane_1978.jpg

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