US James Campbell Masonic 1798

Token US James Campbell Masonic 1798

There is an amazing web site for token collectors called [Press Here] with more than 400,000 collectible tokens. We found Rick's neat Masonic token at TokenCatalog, and we thank them for letting us use their image. It is a very interesting piece.

In terms of value, we are forced to make an educated guess. Usually we can find auction results for specific coins, medals, and tokens online and in the professional coin databases, but this token is elusive. We can find no auction results for it. This means it is rare and it also means our price estimates are subject to significant error.

The best we can do is base our pricing info on similar pieces which have been sold at auction. Based on these (1800-dated oval-shaped silver medals with Masonic symbols), our estimated catalog values for Rick's token are:

worn: $80 US dollars approximate catalog value
well preserved: $250

These values can easily be wrong by a factor of two, up or down.

Coin: 17927, Genre: Tokens, Timeline: World
Created (yyyymm): 201408, Last review: 201705
Appearance: Unusual or irregular shape Metallic gray Letters: Latin
Years: sort: 1798, filter: 1798 to 1798
Image: us_masonic_james_campbell_1798.jpg

Tags: jacobs symbol sunshine symbal symbels piller sola campbell bee upright beehive wasp hornet james honeycomb sunset masons elliptic simbol hive column freemasonry iacobvs bees jimmy masonic mason symbols jas ovals sun symbles ellipse sunrise freemason columns freemasons free pillar jacobvs behive sunburst sunlight pillars simble sol jacob honeybee jacobus sols oval oblong

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