Great Britain Silver Britannia Coinage 1997 to Date

Great Britain Silver Britannia Coinage 1997 to Date

America has Miss Liberty. France has Marianne. In the UK it is Britannia who personifies integrity, honor, and beauty. She always wears a helmet and bears a shield and trident. These bullion coins are called 'Silver Britannias' and they pair up with 'Gold Britannias' as described on this CoinQuest page [Press Here].

There is an excellent summary of these coins over at Chards, specifically on this page [Press Here].

Since these are modern bullion coins, they trade at the current value of silver. You can look up this value at web sites such as [Press Here]. At the moment, silver is trading at $15 US dollars per troy ounce, but tomorrow it will be different. Be sure to look it up. When you buy these coins they sell for more than silver value. When you sell them, they are bought for less than silver value. The margins depend on the size of the transaction. For a single coin, the margins can reach 50 percent or more, but for a single transaction of many coins, the margins can go down to 10 percent or less.

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Great Britain Silver Britannia Coinage 1997 to Date
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Coin: 18224, Genre: Colonizers and Colonies, Timeline: Modern
Created (yyyymm): 201410, Last review: 201708
Appearance: Normal round coin Metallic gray Letters: Latin
Years: sort: 1997, filter: 1997 to 2050
Image: great_britain_britannia_2001.jpg

Tags: hat thonged galloping british sliver helmets lizabeth britania brtiannia prongs brittish headband elizebeth fez pronged hooded tigers lion stallion mounted bonnet horseman brittania riding england siver feinsilber silver reins brittain tiger rein pitch brittan helmet elizibeth triton lions elisabeth trisul hood rider britt prance equestres silber thong elizabet brit headdress english silverish britan equestrian elizabeth britian horse ride trident mountie elisabet forks britain elizabith helmit cougar fork britannia argent prancing caps horses cap mount pitchfork horsehead pony helmeted horseback brittannia silb great silba

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