US Kossuth - Nothing Is Impossible - Washington of Hungary 1850 to 1870

Token US Kossuth - Nothing Is Impossible - Washington of Hungary 1850 to 1870

The best information we've found is that this gaming token was struck in brass around the time of the US Civil War. There are two varieties: NOTHING IS IMPOSSIBLE and THE WASHINGTON OF HUNGARY. The obverse ('heads' side) shows Lajos Kossuth, a Hungarian freedom fighter of the period, and the reverse side shows the pattern of a US gold $10 eagle coin. There are also some reverses with words about the Cause of Hungary (see secondary picture).

Although I cannot document it, I suspect modern reproductions of this token have been made in recent times. This page assumes you have a genuine Kossuth token struck during the Civil War era. Modern tokens, if they exist, would be worth much less.

worn: $5 US dollars approximate catalog value
average circulated: $10
well preserved: $20
fully uncirculated: $100

Please refer to our Terminology page to properly interpret catalog values.

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US Kossuth - Nothing Is Impossible - Washington of Hungary 1850 to 1870
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Coin: 18237, Genre: Tokens, Timeline: World
Created (yyyymm): 201410, Last review: 201708
Appearance: Normal round coin Metallic brown Letters: Latin
Years: sort: 1850, filter: 1850 to 1870
Image: us_kossuth_token.jpg

Tags: mankind luis lud hungaru kossuth ludovicus hungarian cause eagles magyar eaglets untied ungaria hungaria ludovico falcon ludouicus eterna eternal lodovico hungari egals hungarie louis united wash luise vngarie maghyar macyar hungary hungariae hung sacred luiz hvngar vngaria ludovicvs hawk washington washed ungarie hvng hvngariae ludov lvd louise ludovigus eagel hungar eagle ludovicis lvdovicvs egal truth

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