Germany Hitler & Mussolini 1938

Medal Germany Hitler & Mussolini 1938

As historically interesting as this medal is, it does carry a bone-chilling symbolism. On one side it shows the conjoined busts of Adolf Hitler and Benito Mussolini, faithfully rendered. The reverse displays the ultimate symbol of the united Germany and Italy during these times: the fascist Italian fasces superimposed on the national-socialist German swastika. It was designed by one F. Beyer and, as Peter correctly points out, was struck by the Prussian state mint to commemorate the meetings held between Hitler and Mussolini in Rome and Berlin over the course of 1937 and 1938.

worn: $40 US dollars approximate catalog value
average circulated: $120
well preserved: $300
fully uncirculated: $700

Please see our Important Terminology page found at the top left in order to properly interpret the catalog values listed above.

Coin: 18246, Genre: Medals, Timeline: World
Created (yyyymm): 201410, Last review: 201708
Appearance: Normal round coin Metallic gray Letters: Latin
Years: sort: 1938, filter: 1938 to 1938
Image: germany_hitler_mussolini_1938.jpg

Tags: deutiches commemorative encircled swasticka struck history symbol bundes circal swastika devtsch stado peoples time deustch rings italians symbal deutsche preuss symbels deutchen sliver germanic italiana twice mvssolini deutscherlander swatz prussia stato fasces italiane german medalion adolph italian deutsch circling comemorate medallion benito stets deutchlands germany deutschen people encircles swastick historic circel encircle deutscher benita medals siver meeting feinsilber commemoratives ringed silver italia circumference encircling swatstika medal state simbol bundesrepublic deutschland ring mintmarks medaille staats badge deut symbols peple two circles loop circumscribed silber circumscibed hitlers adolphe circuit commemorates stet medallic devtscher mintmark deuches silverish deutchland bundsrepublik symbles swazticka deutsches prussian commemorating mussolini prussion historical swas commemorate swaztika mintmaster circlet swastiks circle deutches berlin bundesrublika musolini commemerate preussen bundesrepublik person commemerative itali swats dutchland deutshen argent adolf ditalia loops italy medallions statehood commemoration bund simble deutschlands stadt swastik nsdap circular incircled nazi swastikas stated commerative mint times swaztica circled prvssie staaten bundersrepublik persons hitler silb bundesrepublika silba

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