US History Channel Club

Medal US History Channel Club

The History Channel is a US television network that broadcasts programs about, well, history. The History Channel has in recent times taken to distribute different medals to its members, with different patterns, of different metals, and commemorating different important historical occasions, such as the US civil war, or the raising of the flag on Iwo Jima. Two such medals appear on this page: a bronze medal in our main picture (upper left) and a base metal medal in our secondary picture (lower right). The value of all medals is about the same, regardless of pattern, metallic composition, and commemoration.

A complete, encased set, with all the original medals still in sealed packaging, may sell to a collector for upwards of $20 US dollars.

A single medal removed from a set and touched by human hands may sell for around $2.

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US History Channel Club
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Coin: 18301, Genre: Medals, Timeline: Modern
Created (yyyymm): 201410, Last review: 201711
Appearance: Packaged set of coins Metallic brown Metallic gray Metallic yellow Letters: Latin
Years: sort: 1990, filter: 1948 to 2050
Image: us_history_channel_medal.jpg

Tags: history soldier club historic soldjer historical channel soldiers soldiered

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