Belgium 100 Francs 1948 to 1954

Belgium 100 Francs 1948 to 1954

Those four kings are Leopold I, Leopold II, Albert I, and Leopold III. Some coins have BELGIE and others BELGIQUE. Composition is silver with 0.483 troy ounces of the precious metal in each coin.

Evaluating these coins involves separating the *good dates* from the *common dates* ---

COMMON DATES (all coins not shown in lists below)
worn: BV
average circulated: BV
well preserved: BV + $5 US dollars approximate catalog value
fully uncirculated: BV + $10

In the list above, BV means 'base value' or the value of the coin due to its silver content alone. To compute BV, mutliply the current price of silver by 0.483. For example, if silver is trading at $12 US dollars per troy ounce (see for current pricing), BV = 0.483 x 12 = $5.80 US dollars.


Some of these coins are worth quite a bit more than the *common date* analysis above. Check your coins against the list below for *good dates*. The value shown is for coins in well preserved condition.

Coins with BELGIQUE dated 1949: $50
Coins with BELGIE dated 1950: $800
Coins with BELGIQUE dated 1948 or 1950 with medal alignment: $90
Coins with BELGIE dated 1948 or 1949 with medal alignment: $80

Medal alignment has to do with the way the front and back of the coin are related to each other. There is 'coin alignment' and 'medal alignment.' To find out which you've got, hold the coin between your thumb and index finger with your thumb on the bottom and index finger on the top. Now turn the coin from left to right, like turning the page of a book. If the pattern on the reverse side is upside down, you have coin alignment. It if it is right side up, you have medal alignment.

Coin: 18490, Genre: Central Europe North South, Timeline: Modern
Created (yyyymm): 201411, Last review: 201411
Appearance: Normal round coin Metallic gray Letters: Latin
Years: sort: 1948, filter: 1948 to 1954
Image: belgium_100_francs_1954.jpg

Tags: escutcheon belgioue encircled tiera headed shiled slicing beading period military belgie circal bearded peoples periods rings 4th halves wiskers crests belg whisker 5th belciqve outteredge twice beloie belgish crest tiarra rim type insignia chevrons 2nd tiara goty tigers lion circling halfe stars franks arm crown perimeter edging people encircles belgium beard circel encircle shields edged edges lining ringed single circumference beaded encircling slash tiger 100 coats beareded ring crowning lined lines lions beligiom point peple two circles loop bar circumscribed heads crowns circumscibed dots circuit chevron oneheaded frank coat beads belgen logo belgisch hangs crowned 100th belgii points slice belguiou arms belgia circlet crossbar head star circle four half bars beared belgian creast slanted person hang starrs cougar sheild fancs francs belgidue loops hanging belgique bead line belgien belges franc circular incircled crested belgiue dot outlined tee circled outline belge goatee belgische slant persons belga types gotee hangman shield beleciqve escucheon edge dotted whiskers outlining shild

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