US $500 Gold Certificate Commemorative 1922

Medal US $500 Gold Certificate Commemorative 1922

These medals were recently struck by a private mint to commemorate the $500 gold certificates issued in 1922 with Abraham Lincoln's likeness as part of their design. They were made at the American Mint based in Pennsylvania. They are made of copper, coated with a very thin layer of gold. The precious metal content is extremely small, but not negligible. The layer of gold must be at least 7 millionths of an inch thick to be classified as gold plating. Doing a little math, this means that there must, as a minimum, be around 25 US cents worth of gold on the coin. Not a lot, but fun to think about!

When traded amongst collectors, these typically sell for between $8 and $20 USD. The highest prices reached are around $30 or so. If you buy one for less than $8, you've made a nice purchase, and if you sell one for more than $20, then you've made a great sale!

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US $500 Gold Certificate Commemorative 1922
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Coin: 18586, Genre: Medals, Timeline: World
Created (yyyymm): 201500, Last review: 201500
Appearance: Painted ~ Colored Metallic yellow Letters: Latin
Years: sort: 1922, filter: 1922 to 1922
Image: us_gold_certificate_commem_1922.jpg

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