Australia 2 Dollars (Sixty Year Coronation) 2013

Australia 2 Dollars (Sixty Year Coronation) 2013

These coins celebrate the Queen's 60 year coronation anniversary. They are made of aluminum-bronze. You can buy them on eBay for $5 to $10 US dollars each. As more and more people buy them, their value will probably decrease. If you have one and want to sell it to a coin dealer, he or she might offer you $1 or so.

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Australia 2 Dollars (Sixty Year Coronation) 2013
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Coin: 18630, Genre: Colonizers and Colonies, Timeline: Modern
Created (yyyymm): 201500, Last review: 201500
Appearance: Normal round coin Metallic brown Metallic yellow Letters: Latin
Years: sort: 2013, filter: 2013 to 2013
Image: australia_2_dollars_coronation_2013.jpg

Tags: encircled tiera circal 60th rings sextvx sixty tiarra 2nd sextvs tiara circling crown encircles circel encircle doller sextus ringed circumference encircling ring crowning circles loop circumscribed queen crowns circumscibed circuit six queens crowned dollare circlet circle yrs sixth australian australia loops dollars coronae years dollar circular incircled 11th coronata sixtus dol year circled coronation dolls coronatin

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