Greece 20 Lepta 1954 to 1971

Greece 20 Lepta 1954 to 1971

These are modern coins made of aluminum. They carry low numismatic (coin collector) value as follows:

worn: less than $1 US dollar approximate catalog value
average circulated: less than $1
well preserved: less than $1
fully uncirculated: $5

Dates 1964 and 1971 are a little more rare than other dates and are worth a tad more than other dates.

Coin: 18828, Genre: Orthodox and Slavic, Timeline: Modern
Created (yyyymm): 201501, Last review: 201501
Appearance: Round hole at center Metallic gray Letters: Block style
Years: sort: 1954, filter: 1954 to 1971
Image: greece_20_lepta_1964.jpg

Tags: stemming tiera bloomed greco garland berries reif stem leis lilly limb fleur branch flour tiarra blossom lis flur centered sticks bouquet petels tiara flowers petal orchid crown reef petals certer spray wreah aepta hole centers fler greeks flower centre crowning trefoil stalks wreath twigs crowns twig sprigs lepton lises lily crowned bud off berry greece pedals trefoils sprays wreathed lilys offcenter sprig branched lepta branches holes wreth floer fluer fleures stick lei floral rief greek dogwood stalk 20th branching lisse stems aenta wreaths wreathe flowery wreat holed center fleurs offset orcid

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